Comp better. Sell more.

ReSeller Research Home Page

Price + Age = Comp

Includes a 7 Day FREE Trial to make sure we're a match for your business.
Running accurate comps requires knowing both the price and the age of items. ReSeller will tell you if an item is profitable AND if it will sell in a reasonable time.
Running Comps on "Solds" gives useful information but it's missing half the equation, time, age of listings.
Avoid bad buys by knowing the Hi/Low, median, and average of both price AND age for all listings.
Did we mention...
VERO Protection +
Paid Shipping Filter +
Sort by Oldest Listing +

Private Search Without Offers +

Get 2 Months FREE when signing up for a year!


What We Do

Information Magic

ReSeller gives you the pricing and age information you need to confidently run comps for purchasing or listing.
Filter and Sort the way you sell to get the best view of your real competition.
Check out the demo video below.

ReSeller Results Search Results

Time Matters

How old are the listings?

Maybe a few days and maybe a few thousand days? (yes, we said 'thousand')
Balanced comps offer the value of an item AND the velocity of the sale. ReSeller offers both, time matters.

ReSeller Search Results Shipping Filter

Looking Out

ReSeller matches all your search terms to VERO Heroes, acting as an early alert for potential VEROs or IP issues.

ReSeller uses private search so you won't get ads or offers on items you comp. Product Recall is coming soon!

VERO Heroes Alert

How We Do It

Watch a brief demo of the full ReSeller service and how we're redefining comping.

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for 7 days.

We're confident you'll see improvements in your profits and sell thru rate once you're using ReSeller comps.

Everyone can try out ReSeller FREE for 7 days. We want to make sure we're a fit for your reselling.
You may actually look forward to running comps. Finally get the sales you see everyone else bragging about.